Weeks 5 and 6, we dedicated time for our Human Computer Interaction coursework which included coming up with a design, and researching about how our product can affect users. Since our client had not specified set requirements yet, we came up with our own temporarily to complete the assignments on time. These requiremets focused on planting sensors across agricultural land, collects data and outputs the information in a clear format on a website.

We started by watching all the HCI lectures to understand how the processes of collecting data from potential users, designing a prototype and creating personas worked. We thought about two potential users - a farmer who directly works on farm sites and a agricultural scientist who works in an office. We split the tasks so that one focuses on carrying out the interviews for each of the users, whilst the other creates scenarios and personas. For design, one person does the sketching with Procreate whilst the other two completes prototyping on Pidoco.